
- 701.777.4510
- Nursing Building Room 312
430 Oxford Street Stop 9025
Grand Forks, ND 58202-9025

- 701.777.4554
- Nursing Building Room 305
430 Oxford Street Stop 9025
Grand Forks, ND 58202-9025
All requests to travel must be authorized in advance.
Form Instructions
- Travel days is the number of days that you will be traveling for UND business. Personal days is the number of days you are spending on personal time on either end of the UND business travel.
- Please be sure to attach an agenda/brochure/email invitation or another form of documentation that proves the business purpose of this travel. If it’s available online only, please put the link in the Notes section at the bottom of the form.
- In the lodging section, please be sure to list the total including any taxes/fees.
- The meals section will be completed by the travel coordinator based on the destination’s per diem rates.
- If you choose the PCard option on any item, the travel coordinator will contact you when the travel request form has been fully approved to coordinate those purchases.
- If you choose the State Fleet option for mileage, the travel coordinator will contact you with additional information and the State Fleet request form.
- Questions can be directed to Melissa Johnson
- Questions can be directed to Melissa Johnson
Nutrition & Dietetics Travel Request
- Questions can be directed to MaryAnna Carls
- Questions can be directed to Miranda Koster
- Questions can be directed to Miranda Koster
- Questions can be directed to Miranda Koster.
- Questions can be directed to Melissa Johnson
After your travel has occurred, fill out the Travel Reimbursement form to request reimbursement. Please include all receipts (except for meals as that is paid on a per diem). A receipt should include the following items:
- Your name
- The name of the vendor you paid
- The item you purchased
- The dollar amount you paid
- Either a $0 balance or the last 4 digits of your card used to pay for the total
If any of the above information is missing, we cannot accept it as a receipt and a Missing Receipt form will need to be filled out. Be sure to include a screenshot of the line item from your bank statement to prove that you yourself paid for the item.
All purchase requests must be authorized in advance to ensure that the purchase is allowed under the appropriate guidelines and to ensure funding availability.
Please use the CNPD Grant Purchase Request Form to request the purchase of items related to grants, seed awards, start up funds or F&A funds.
Please use the CNPD Purchase Request Form to request the purchase of all other items.