CNPD Grant Pre and Post Award Support
The College of Nursing & Professional Disciplines (CNPD) has a process to assist faculty, staff, and students as they navigate grants application process.
For assistance in this process, or to obtain printable versions of these processes, contact:

- 701.777.4510
Nursing Building Room 312
Grand Forks, ND 58202-9025
Proposal Assistance
Once a CNPD faculty member or student has decided to submit a proposal to an identified sponsor, CNPD Accounting & Grants Specialist is available to assist with the following within the proposal submission process.
- Interpreting sponsor guidelines
- Assistance in preparing proposal forms and templates
- Providing consultation in budget preparation
- Identifying potential problems in the financial administration of the proposed project and options for addressing those problems
- Facilitating submission using Novelution and processes
Post-Award Review
The Accounting & Grants Specialist is responsible for monitoring currently funded sponsored projects at the CNPD in tandem with the Principal Investigators (PI) and their administrative staff. This includes assuring that costs are allowable, notification of any sponsored projects which are overdrawn or may be ending soon, ensuring that employees are correctly certifying their effort, and assisting PIs with re-budgeting, no-cost extensions, and project close-out.
The Accounting & Grants Specialist reviews award documents for the scope of work, cost, timing, or other financial considerations. Research & Sponsored Program Development will negotiate with the potential sponsor.
CNPD Grant Process
Phase 1: Idea
Primary Investigator (PI) wants to apply for a grant for a research, education, or service project.
Begin Process
- Discuss opportunity with Department Chair
- Submit Proposal Notification Form
- If working with, the CNPD Accounting & Grants Specialist will set up a workspace for the proposal.
Kick-off Meeting
- Setup Initial Meeting (incl. PI, ADR, CNPD Acct & Grants Specialist, and personnel involved in grant development)
- Develop work plan
- Include milestones & dates
- Set up follow-up meetings and submission deadline
- Identify IRB (as required)
Budget Creation
- Set up initial budget meeting with CNPD Accounting & Grants Specialist
- Before Meeting:
- Review CNPD Budget Tool Template
- Review CNPD Budget Justification Template
Collect Documentation
- Begin drafting & collecting the required documents
- If needed, the CNPD Dean’s Office has faculty CVs on file
Phase 1 Complete
The Budget Tool Template
and Budget Justification are
finalized and approved by the CNPD Accounting & Grants Specialist.
Phase 2: CNPD Proposal Submission
Note: A proposal should be submitted in Novelution
AT LEAST 7 business days prior to due date
for routing and signature purposes.
Begin Novelution
- Create Proposal in Novelution (UND's Internal Proposal Routing System)
Minimum required documents to route proposal:
- Budget
- Budget Justification
- Scope of Work
If subaward is included you will need to supply a separate:
- Budget
- Budget Justification
- Scope of Work
- Signed Consortium Agreement
Finalize Novelution
- CNPD Accounting & Grants Specialist will do final review
- PI hits “Submit” in Novelution to begin routing for signatures. Application will lock.
- During routing, PI can continue to make minimal changes to the narrative portion only
- The UND Research & Sponsored Program Development Office (RSPD) will email PI & CNPD Acct. & Grants Specialist with questions & approval
- For Federal online submissions, the UND RSPD Office will submit on your behalf
- For other proposals, PI will submit the proposal to sponsor
Resources & Links

Instructions and links for setup of project

Commonly used processes, forms, and templates for Grants

UND Research Support Offices, campus data and support, Libraries, and Local Research Centers

Video training on Novelution, tutorials and guides

Frequently used Facts and Identification Numbers

Training Guides, Quick Guides, FAQs, and Training Videos

Peoplesoft login information can be used to login to the system.