CNPD Faculty Publications & Scholarly Work
Our many faculty publications reflect a broad expertise and interest in the fields of nursing, nutrition & dietetics, and social work.
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- The CNPD department of Nursing continues to collaborate and partner with the UND School of Medicine and Health Sciences and the Center for Rural Health in authoring Chapter 8 on North Dakota's Nursing Workforce as part of the Eighth Biennial Report: Health Issues for the State of North Dakota. Dr. Rhoda Owens and Dr. Jana Zwilling completed a secondary data analysis on available nursing workforce data in the state and reported a summary in this chapter. In addition, implications for policy, practice, and research are included throughout the chapter.
- Dr. Rhoda Owens & Dr. Dawn Denny, Pre-licensure Nursing Student Perceptions on Their Nurse Professional Identity. 49th Annual Midwest Nursing Research Conference, Indianapolis, March 26 - March 29, 2025, (abstract accepted for a podium/paper presentation).
- Dr. Rhoda Owens, Dr. Jana Zwilling, and Dr. Jacqueline Reep-Jarmin had an abstract, The North Dakota nursing retention study: A cross-sectional descriptive study and collaboration between nursing education programs, healthcare employers, and the nursing workforce, accepted for a podium/paper presentation at the 2025 Dakota Conference on Rural and Public Health, Bismarck, ND, June 18, 2025.
- Dr. Dawn Denny had a paper, Relationship of the Delirium Risk Classifier Score and Post-Operative Cognitive Function, accepted for presentation at the Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS) in Indianapolis, IN, scheduled for March 26-29, 2025.
- Dr. Yi Ping Hsieh and colleagues had several presentations accepted to the 2025 Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, taking place in January in Seattle, WA; From Childhood to Adolescence: Navigating Aggression Through the Ecological Lens., Exploring Multidimensional Factors of Social Anxiety: The Aspects of Individual, Family, School, and Online Experiences, & The Association of Prenatal Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence with Children’s Socioemotional Competence at Five Years Post-Partum.
- Dr. June-Yung Kim and her colleagues will present the following accepted studies at the 2025 Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, taking place in January in Seattle, WA; Social Determinants of Health in Research of Native American Prenatal Drug Use: A Scoping Review Study, Understanding Co-Occurrence of Mental Health Problems in Youth within the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) Framework: A Scoping Review Study, The Association of Prenatal Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence with Children's Socioemotional Competence at Five Years Postpartum, Maternal Childhood Trauma, Mother-Child Interactions, and Developmental Course of Internalizing Behavior from Preschool to Preadolescence, Association between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Resilience: A Sense of Purpose as a Mediator.
- Amanda Fackler had an oral paper accepted for presentation at the SSWR 29th Annual Conference entitled "An Examination of Race and Gender in Predicting Housing and Time to Housing for Youth Experiencing Homelessness."
- Amanda Fackler had an oral paper accepted for presentation as a Flash-Talk at the SSWR 29th Annual Conference entitled "The Reliability and Validity of the VI-Spdat: A Systematic Review."
- Dr. June-Yung Kim published a co-authored paper with her colleagues: Lee, J., Lee, J. M., Kim, J. H., Lee, H., & Kim, J. Y. (2024). Relationship Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Resilience: The Indirect Effect of a Sense of Purpose in Life. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 1-14.
- PhD student Johanna Lemke recently published an article alongside co-authors. Alleviating Bedside Nurse Burden: A Virtual Nursing Program in Nurse Leader.
- Dr. Jennifer Schlinger provided training in December 2024 on Trauma-Informed Care to Child Protection employees from Western Prairie Health and Human Services in Minnesota.
- Jeffrey Anvari-Clark was recently published in The Conversation: America’s informal safety net: Across all income levels, people provide financial help to loved ones, writes UND’s Jeffrey Anvari-Clark
- Dr. Brenda Sanya, a PhD Nursing 2023 alum presented on Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Assess Intention to Engage in Mindful Selfcare, at the Inova 2024 Nursing Research and EBP Symposium, Fairfax, VA on October 11, 2024. The presentation received 1st place in the Research category. Dr. Dawn Denny is a co-author.
- Jeffrey Anvari-Clark recently completed a radio interview for Public News Service and Prairie News Service, discussing financial interdependence. The story has been published in Public News Service, and was republished in the Minot Daily News, and by MSN.
- June-Yung Kim gave a talk, titled "Lessons Learned from 21 Years of Research About Prenatal Cocaine/Polydrug Exposure: Prospective Research Design and Longitudinal Data Analytic Approaches" at the 2024 Annual Conference of the Korean Counseling Psychological Association, Live Broadcasting, October 25, 2024.
- Dietetics senior Claudia PromSchmidt along with co-authors Dr. Julie Hess and N&D faculty Erin Lauckner were published in the fall Pathways publication. The article, Ultra-Processed Foods and Cardiometabolic Health appeared in the subscription magazine produced by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Cardiovascular Health and Well-being Dietetic Practice Group (DPG).
- Dr. June-Yung Kim received the Junior Career Achievement Award from the Korean American Social Work Educators Association (KASWEA) at the 2024 Council of Social Work Education annual program meeting. This award is given to those who have demonstrated exceptional contributions to social work education, research, and engagement. These awardees embody the spirit of innovation, dedication, and leadership within the community. She was nominated by Dr. Hyeouk "Chris" Hahm, Professor and Associate Dean for Research at Boston University School of Social Work and Vice President-Elect of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR).
- Dr. Nathaniel Johnson completed several radio interviews discussing his and N&D alum/UND med student Madeline Comeau’s recent publication highlighting that over half of medical students in the U.S. report receiving little to no formal nutrition training. The article in The Conversation has amassed nearly 65,000 reads, making it the best-read Conversation article of any published by a UND scholar over the past year. As of October 9th, Dr. Johnson’s three pieces make him UND’s Number One author of Conversation articles in terms of readership numbers. He has been featured on various radio shows and podcasts. You can hear him in a radio interview for KCBS in San Francisco, Sirius XM’s Doctor Radio, and on the San Francisco Experience Podcast.
- Rhoda Owens was recently interviewed for an Author Spotlight with the American Nurse Journal on her recent published article. Find the recording here.
- Dr. Jennifer Schlinger presented on Trauma-Informed Care at the Community Action Partnership of North Dakota Conference on October 2, 2024 in Grand Forks.
- Dr. Anne Bodensteiner, Dr. Julie Hess, and co-authors were published in Current Developments in Nutrition with an article: Using less processed food to mimic a standard American diet (SAD) does not improve nutrient value and may result in a shorter shelf life at a higher financial cost
- Dr. Christina Erickson was interviewed on “Bonnie & Friends” radio show on her extensive research on the subject of spanking. Find the interview at he 2:10:24 mark.
- Nathaniel Johnson and N&D alum Madeline Comeau recently co-published an article in The Conversation: Diet-related diseases are the No. 1 cause of death in the US – yet many doctors receive little to no nutrition education in med school
Nathaniel Johnson, Stastny SN, Garden-Robinson J. Intakes of Lean Proteins and Processed Meats and Differences in Mental Health between Rural and Metro Adults 50 Years and Older. Nutrients. 2024
- Lea Saga, Ethics in Dignity of Risk, presentation at the North Dakota Long Term Care Association Fall Conference Fall Conference in Fargo, September 24.
- Rhoda Owens, Keynote presentation: Embracing Your Professional Identity in Nursing: Why is it Important to You and the Nursing Profession?, Annual Meeting & Fall Conference of the North Dakota Nurses Association.
- Dr. Jana Zwilling and NDNRC colleagues from across the state have posted their first report summary on Simulation in Nursing Education within North Dakota
- Dr. June-Yung Kim and her colleagues will present a study, "Averse childhood experiences with generalized
anxiety disorder: Understanding the roles of social support resilience" at the 70th
Annual Program Meeting of Council of Social Work Education, which will be held at
the Kansas City Convention Center in Kansas City, Missouri, October 24–27, 2024.
- Owens. R.A., & Denny, D. L. (2024). Prelicensure undergraduate nursing student perceptions on professional identity in nursing. Nursing Education Perspectives
- Dr. Jeffrey Anvari-Clark will present and moderate a panel of colleagues on Implications of Financial Interdependence on Financial Education on October 9th at NEFE’s Financial Education Innovation & Impact Summit.
- Dr. Jeffrey Anvari-Clark will conduct two trainings: Introduction to Financial Social Work and Bringing the Financial Domain into Behavioral Health at the Community Action Partnership of North Dakota’s 2024 Biennial Conference, October 1, 2024 at the Alerus Center, Grand Forks, ND.
- Dr. Jeffrey Anvari-Clark and Dr. Axton Betz-Hamilton (South Dakota State U.) will present their paper Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses of Money Habitudes Data at the Academy of Financial Services Annual Conference (Sept 18-20) in Columbus, OH.
- Cronley, C.; Fackler, A.; First, J.M.; Lee, S.; Tsouris, I. Persons Experiencing Homelessness during Extreme Temperatures: Lessons for Promoting Socially Inclusive Adaptive Capacity. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2024
Jeffrey Anvari-Clark & Axton Betz-Hamilton at South Dakota State University. Factor analyses of a money beliefs and behaviors assessment tool. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning.
Lemke, J. & Evanson, T.A. (2024) "Qualitative research on mindfulness interventions for staff nurses: A review of the literature" The Journal of Nursing Administration
- Monica O’Reilly-Jacob, Rosebud Mayanja-Sserebe, Jana Zwilling, Continued restrictions on nurse practitioners: A qualitative study of the early implementation
of full practice authority in Massachusetts,
Nursing Outlook, Volume 72, Issue 5, 2024 - Yang, C. Y., Shen, A. C. T.*, Hsieh, Y. P., & Huang, C. Y. (2024). Gender differences in the relationship between PTSD and youth alcohol use. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.
- Worried about the health effects of the sugar in your breakfast cereal? Little has changed since the days of ‘Unfrosted,’ the Pop-Tarts movie says Dr. Nathaniel Johnson on a recent publication in The Conversation US
- Hsieh, Y. P. (2024, July 12). Unwanted Online Sexual Solicitation among Taiwanese Youth. Taiwan Insight.
- Zwilling, Jana, PhD, APRN, FNP-C; O'Reilly-Jacob, Monica PhD, FNP-BC. Implementation of Full Practice Authority for Nurse Practitioners in Massachusetts: Impact of Organizational Climate on Practice Change. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration
Mueller, T., Evavold, D., Kim, J. Y., Klug, M. G., & Burd, L. (2024). Is a Mini-Screen for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Feasible?. Open Journal of Pediatrics
Anvari-Clark, J. (2024). Integrating Financial and Economic Justice Content into Social Work Education. Journal of Teaching in Social Work
- Karikari, I., Walton, B., Ludeker-Seibert, K., & Riley, K. (2024). Examining the emergence of a learning collaborative: A framework to support complex program implementation. SN Social Sciences
- Karikari, I. & Weber, B. (March 2024). Examining homelessness: Critical discourse analysis as a tool for equitable and inclusive practice. 2024 Minnesota Social Services Association Conference. Minneapolis, MN. Oral Presentation.
- Singer, L. T., Albert, J. M., Minnes, S., Min, M. O., & Kim, J. Y. (2024). Infant Behaviors, Prenatal Cocaine Exposure, and Adult Intelligence. JAMA Network Open
- Denny, D. L., Owens, R. A., Labuhn, M., Vetsch, C., Moreno, V. L., Fakir, M. H., Hanson, D., & Tavakolian, P. “Tissue Perfusion and Pain with Use of Three Surgical Support Surfaces in Healthy Adult Participants.” National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses, Louisville, KY, May 18, 2024 (Oral presentation of poster). This Poster Presentation placed 1st in the Research track.
- How your diet could alter your unborn children's genes, published in The Conversation and co-written by Dr. Nathaniel Johnson, Hasan Khatib, and Thomas D. Crenshaw.
- Lee, C. T., Lin, C. Y., Strong, C., Chang, Y. H., Lin, Y. C., Hsieh, Y. P., Lin, Y. F, & Tsai, M. C.* (2024). BDNF Val66Met polymorphism moderates negative symptom expression of bully victimization through resilience in Taiwanese youth. European Journal of Developmental Psychology
- Dr. Carenlee Barkdull and Harmony Bercier were interviewed in the February 14th issue of Insight into Diversity Magazine's article, Social Work Project Improves North Dakota's Native Child Welfare Outcomes.
- Bhushan S., Jayakrishnan U., Johnson N., Prajapati S.K., Lakshan K.A.S., Kaphle K., Eshkabilow S., Simsek H., (2024). UV-C pretreatment of wastewater-grown algal biomass for recover of biofuel precursors. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering.
- Kim, J. Y., Minnes, S., Kobulsky, J., Kim, S. K., Min, M. O., & Singer, L. Y. (Accepted). Developmental Trajectory of Aggressive Behavior from Ages 4 to 12 in an Urban Cohort: The Role of Maternal Childhood Trauma, Oral Presentation at the 2024 Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research.
- Kim, J. Y., Zhang, L., Gruber, A. M., Kim, S. K., Holmes, M. R., & Brevda, A. (Accepted). Prenatal Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence and Child Developmental Outcomes: A Scoping Review Study. Oral Presentation at the 2024 Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research.
- Kehler, K., Balser, S., & Kim, J. Y. (Accepted) Barriers to the Implementation of Harm Reduction Practices in Rural Domestic Violence Shelters. Poster Presentation at the 2024 Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research.
- Denny, D. L., Lindseth, G., Petros, T., & Berg, J. A. (2024). Teaching statistics online: Comparing competency-based and traditional learning. Teaching and Learning in Nursing
- Juelich, J., Owens, R., Denny, D., Raatz, S., & Lindseth, G. (2023). Effects of Sleep on Adolescents’ Appetite, Dietary Intake, and Weight. SAGE Open Nursing
- Owens, R.A., Kuhl, L. M., Hagopian, C. O. P., Goodolf, D. M., Ferrell, C., Liebig, D., Howard, M. S., Weybrew, K. A., Yockey, J. Strengthening the profession: Clarifying professionalism and professional identity in nursing. American Nurse Journal
- Hsieh, Y. P.*, Wei, H. S., Lin, Y. S., & Ma, J. K. H. (2023). Understanding the Dynamics of Unwanted Online Sexual Solicitation among Youth in Taiwan: Vulnerability and Resilience Factors. Archives of Sexual Behavior.
- Yang, C. Y., Shen, A. C. T.*, Hsieh, Y. P., Huang, C. Y., Wei, H. S., Feng, J. Y., & Hwa, H. L. (2023). Parent-Youth Relationships and Youth Alcohol Use: The Moderating Role of Parental Alcohol Use. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.
- Yang, C. M., Lin, C. Y., Hsieh, Y. P., Tsai, M. C., & Strong, C.* (2023). The impact of contact experience on the attitudes and beliefs toward same-sex parents and their children among kindergarten teachers. Journal of Homosexuality.
- Lin, Y.-C., Lin, C.-Y.*, Saffari, M., Tsai, M.-C., Chang, Y.-H., Strong, C., Chen, J.-K., Hsieh, Y.-P., Yang, Y.-N.*, & Latner, J. D. (2023). Weight stigma is associated with body mass index among college students in Taiwan: The mediated role of internalized weight stigma. BMC Psychology.
- Lee, Y. S., Roh, S.*, Hsieh, Y. P., & Park, Y. (2023). Determinants of Life Satisfaction and Quality of Life among American Indian Women Cancer Survivors: The Role of Psychosocial Resources. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work
- Zwilling, Jana PhD, APRN, FNP-C (Clinical Assistant Professor). The invisible nurse practitioner?. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners
- Kim J. Y., Zhang, L., Gruber, A. M., Kim, S., Holmes, M. R., & Brevda, A. (2023). Prenatal Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence and Child Developmental Outcomes: A Scoping Review Study. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse.
- Presentation: Karikari, I., Walch, T. J., Bayne, A., Barkdull, C., Weber, B., Comeau, M.E., Gabel, D., Scallon, S., Kuntz, M., Wavra, G., Possis, E., Leben, C. A., & Boushee, H. (November 2023). Examining covid-19 vaccine hesitancy: A weighted qualitative model. American Public Health Association Conference. Atlanta, GA.
- The nurse faculty role: A lived experience of mentoring nurses while coping with anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic. Orth, S. & Evanson, T., Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 00, 1—6 (2023).
- Presentation: Karikari, I. & Weber, B. (November 2023). Homelessness, law enforcement and the stigma of violence and crime: A complex story. American Public Health Association Conference. Atlanta, GA. Oral Presentation.
- Presentation: Karikari, I. & Homstad, S. A framework for harnessing the benefits and vast potential of accreditation for student success and faculty development. 2023 Assessment Institute. Indianapolis, IN. (October 2023)
- Presentation: Use of Motivational Interviewing Innovations in Master of Social Work Research Methods Education. Kim, J. Y., & Evenden, J. (Accepted). Poster Presentation at the 69th Annual Program Meeting of Council of Social Work Education, Atlanta, GA. October, 2023
- Reducing Fear to Help Build Healthy Families: Investing in Non-Punitive Approaches to Helping People with Substance Use Disorder. Scott, K.A., Shogren, M. & Shatzkes, K. Matern Child Health J (2023).
- Financial Interdependence: A Social Perspective. Anvari-Clark J, Miller J. Encyclopedia. August 2023.
- U.S. Primary Care Provider Needs: An Analysis of Workforce Projections and Policy Implications. Zwilling J, Wise B, Pintz C, et al. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice. August 2023.
- Vitamin D Knowledge, Awareness, and Attitudes of Adolescents and Adults: A Systematic Review. Fitzgerald JS, Swanson BJ, Larson-Meyer DE. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, June 2023.
- Presentation: Do Infant Behaviors Mediate the Relationship of Prenatal Cocaine Exposure to Adult Perceptual Reasoning Deficits?, Singer, L. T., Albert, J. M., Kim, S. K., Minnes, S., Min, M. O., Kim, J. Y., & Powers, G. (Accepted). Poster Presentation at the 47th Annual Virtual Meeting of the Developmental Neurotoxicology. Charleston, SC, June 2023.
- Presentation: Prenatal cocaine exposure and self-reported behavioral adjustments from ages 12 to 21: Environmental pathways. Min, M. O., Albert, J. M., Minnes, S., Kim, J. Y., Kim, S. K., Powers, G., & Singer, L. T. (Accepted). Poster Presentation at the 47th Annual Virtual Meeting of the Developmental Neurotoxicology. Charleston, SC, June 2023.
- Paper: Mental Health Conditions and Internet Addiction: The Mediating Effect of Fear of Missing Out“ will be presented at the 20th Annual Hawaii International Summit on Preventing, Assessing & Treating Trauma Across the Lifespan. Hsieh, Y. P., Shen, A. C. T., Wei, H. S., Feng, J. Y., Hwa, H. L., Hung, S. C. Y., & Cheng S. Y. (2023). Honolulu, HI.
- Dr. Brian Higgerson, interview in the Focus: Family Nurse Practitioners Magazine
- Early implementation of full-practice authority: A survey of Massachusetts nurse practitioners. O’Reilly-Jacob, Monica PhD, FNP-BC (Assistant Professor); Zwilling, Jana PhD, FNP-C (Clinical Assistant Professor); Perloff, Jennifer PhD (Senior Scientist); Freeman, Patricia BSN (Undergraduate Nursing Student); Brown, Emily RN, MSN(c) (Graduate Nursing Student); Donelan, Karen ScD, EdM (Stuart H. Altman Professor and Chair in U.S. Health Policy).
- Determinants of Life Satisfaction and Quality of Life among American Indian Women Cancer Survivors: The Role of Psychosocial Resources. Lee, Y. S., Roh, S., Hsieh, Y. P., & Park, Y., Journal of Evidence-Base Social Work
- Community member perspectives on adapting the cascade of care for opioid use disorder for a tribal nation in the United States. Johnson, F., Jr, RedCloud, A., Mootz, J., Hallgren, K.A., Elliot, K., Alexander, C., Aanji’bide Community Action Board, & Greenfield, B. L. (2023). Addiction, March 2023.
- MNRS Presentation: Undergraduate Pre-licensure: Student Learning Experiences and Professional Identity in Nursing Formation, Dr. Rhoda Owens and Dr. Dawn Denny. Midwest Nursing research Society. March 29-April 1, 2023. Des Moines, Iowa.
- MNRS Presentation: Simulation to Mitigate Moral Distress Among Nurses: Engaging the Affective Domain, Johnson, S. R., Owens, R.A., & Denny D.L. Midwest Nursing Research Society. March 29-April1, 2023. Des Moines, Iowa.
- MNRS Presentation: Social Determinants of health and Prediction of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes,Smith, R, & Denny, D.L., March 29-April 1, 2023. Des Moines, Iowa.
- MNRS Presentation: Wellness and resilience of underrepresented, disadvantaged undergraduate students, Denny, D.L., Lindseth, G., Ferraro, R, & Petros, T. March 29-April 1, 2023. Des Moines, Iowa.
- Financial behavioral health and investment risk willingness: Implications for the racial wealth gap. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Anvari-Clark, J., & Rose, T., International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, March 2023.
- Modeling lacto-vegetarian, pescatarian, and “pescavegan” USDA food patterns and assessing nutrient adequacy for healthy non-pregnant, non-lactating adults. Julie M. Hess, Madeline E. Comeau. Frontiers in Nutrition, February 2023.
- Cognitive and functional outcomes at age 21 after prenatal cocaine/polydrug exposure and foster/adoptive care. Singer, L. T., Powers, G., Kim, J. Y., Minnes, S., & Min, M. O. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, January 2023.
- Patterns and Trajectories of Children’s Maltreatment Experiences in Taiwan: Latent Transition Analysis of a Nationally Representative Longitudinal Study. Feng, J. Y.*, Hwa, H. L., Shen, A.C.T., Hsieh, Y. P., Wei, H. S., Huang, C. Y., Child Abuse & Neglect, January 2023
- Hsieh, Y. P.*, & Gourneau, B. (2023). Understanding Children’s Online Victimization through the Psychosocial Lens: The Roles of Loneliness, Online Social Currency, and Digital Citizenship. Healthcare
- Wei, H. S., Shen, A. C. T., Hwa, H. L., Feng, J. Y., Hsieh, Y. P., & Huang, A. C. Y. (2023). Peer victimization trajectory and psychosocial maladjustment in early Taiwanese adolescents: A longitudinal study. Child Psychiatry & Human Development.
- Saffari, M.†, Chen, I.-H.†, Huang P.-C., O'Brien, K. S., Hsieh, Y.-P., Chen, J.-K., Chang, Y.-H., Jiang, X., Bevan, N., Chang, Y.-L., Chen, J.-S., Tsai, C.-C.*, Griffiths, M.D., Lin, C.-Y.* (2023). Measurement invariance and psychometric evaluation of the Tendency to Avoid Physical Activity and Sport Scale (TAPAS) among mainland Chinese university students. Psychology Research and Behavior Management
- Chen, I. H., Chang, Y. L., Yang, Y. N., Yeh, Y. C., Ahorsu, D. K., Adjorlolo, S., Strong, C., Hsieh, Y. P., Huang, P. C., Pontes, H. M., Griffiths, M. D., & Lin, C. Y.* (2023). Psychometric properties and development of the Chinese versions of Gaming Disorder Test (GDT) and Gaming Disorder Scale for Adolescents (GADIS-A). Asian Journal of Psychiatry
- Yu, Y. F., Ting, T. T., Liao, J. C., Tsai, M. C., Lin, C. Y., Hsieh, Y. P., & Strong, C.* (2023). The Dynamics of Adolescents’ Pubertal Maturation, Depressive Symptoms and Friendship Networks: Stochastic Actor-Oriented Model. Current Psychology