The future of health care starts here.
CNPD Nursing, Nutrition and Dietetics, and Social Work faculty and students are actively involved in interdisciplinary research and training projects.
The future of health care starts here.
CNPD Nursing, Nutrition and Dietetics, and Social Work faculty and students are actively involved in interdisciplinary research and training projects.
CNPD faculty and students are actively involved in interdisciplinary research and training projects.
Our many faculty publications, papers, and presentations reflect broad expertise and interest in nursing, nutrition & dietetics, and social work.
The CNPD Accounting & Grants Specialist is available to support faculty with research, scholarship, and funded programs.
The College of Nursing & Professional Disciplines has funds available to jump-start scholarly activities for CNPD faculty.
Located adjacent to the College of Nursing & Professional Disciplines, the center houses research and research training spaces.
The RAIN program provides academic support and assistance to American Indian students seeking a nursing degree - pre-nursing through doctorate.
Serves as the primary training agency for child welfare services in North Dakota.
A diverse group of state-wide nurse researchers, expert clinicians, and nursing leaders working together to conduct interprofessional research with the aims of demonstrating the value of the nursing workforce while improving health care outcomes.
Our students are active and involved with research.
CNPD students are encouraged to participate in a day of celebrating research, collaboration, scholarship, and creative activities.
The U-RISE Program is an undergraduate, NIH-funded Honors research training fellowship program.
The hallmark of a major research university is its ability to link students and faculty across all disciplines toward the creation of new ideas and the generation of new technologies.
Explore student resources at the College of Nursing & Professional Disciplines at UND.